Wednesday, June 6, 2012

June 6
this was for june 5!! i started it so late at night and finished coloring it TOnight...laaate. im bad. this one is called American Girl

Friday, June 1, 2012

June 1! it's 12:20am of june 2.. better late than never? blogger is dumb to log into. Here's some cool hip Scooby Doo kids.

Friday, May 25, 2012

The Challenge

Starting June 1st and continuing all throughout the month, Lou and I will be drawing something every day and uploading it. As the title of this blog states, the both of us could really use a win right now and so this blog will be our battle cry. We want this blog to be a challenge to us as artists and something we make together before life takes us our separate ways. Most importantly, at the end of June, we want this blog to be an encouragement to us; something that we can look back on and say 'Yes, I did that, I finished it'. At the end of June, if we succeed, we'll never have another reason to tell ourselves we aren't good enough or we can't do something.

We haven't really set any rules to this challenge except that we have to draw something and upload it everyday. My own personal goal in this is that I want to be intentional with everything I draw, not default to my usual doodles.

I named the url for the this blog punchthefuture because sometimes I just want to punch something and it might as well be something that we are terrified of.
